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Hi - Is there a way to duplicate/copy controls in ZenGRC.  I basically would like to test the same control multiple times (1x for each in-scope application) ie - PW-APP1, PW-APP2, PW-APP3...

@rwalimohamed It depends on what you are testing. If you need multiple requests and assessments, I would advise you create multiple audits per application. You can replicate the audit but change the code of the requests by adding the title of the application in the front or back of code. 

If this is not what you are testing, let me and @Marianne Schrader know and we can schedule a follow up call to walk you through your options. 

@gianna.satriano  - thanks for the information - i ended up modifying an upload template with updated codes and titles to reflect the unique apps this way i have one audit but a seperate assessment for each unique application.  

@rwalimohamed It depends on what you are testing. If you need multiple requests and assessments, I would advise you create multiple audits per application. You can replicate the audit but change the code of the requests by adding the title of the application in the front or back of code. 

If this is not what you are testing, let me and @Marianne Schrader know and we can schedule a follow up call to walk you through your options. 



In your response above you mentioned to “replicate the existing audit”

Can you please point to a knowledge article or guide as to how to replicate the audit in ZenGRC, please.




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