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Meet Fran Iarussi

At the heart of ZenGRC's innovative force is Francisco (Fran) Iarussi. As a QA Automation Engineer, Fran's dedication to quality and innovation has been instrumental since he earned his Software Engineering degree in 2021. His passion goes beyond his official duties, delving into the realms of sports, culinary arts, and global exploration.



In the Engineering department, Fran thrives in an environment brimming with collaboration and mutual support. Working alongside experienced colleagues, he delights in the daily joy and rich learning experiences this job provides. “The friendly atmosphere not only adds joy to each day but also creates a space where we can work together seamlessly, allowing creativity to flourish,” Fran says. This spirit of unity enables them to tackle daily challenges together, continually enhancing their collective expertise.


Fran and his colleagues are at the forefront of technology, which fuels their drive for excellence. “The culture at ZenGRC fosters an atmosphere of growth and exploration,” he notes, “motivating me to venture beyond what I thought was possible and continuously evolve in my role.” It's in this dynamic setting, supported by cutting-edge tools and an encouraging team, that Fran has found the momentum for his impressive professional development.



Recognized for Excellence

Fran's remarkable talent is recognized both within and beyond ZenGRC. His team lead, Patricio Pessolano Filos, attests to his exceptional abilities,



In 2022, his potential was further acknowledged by the Engineering National Academy from Argentina, celebrating him as one of the country's most talented students—a significant feat in a nation of 45 million people. Such accolades reflect not only Fran's technical acumen but also the rich intellectual ecosystem that ZenGRC nurtures.

Engineering National Academy of Argentina in 2022 (Spanish)



Advice for Aspiring QA Automation Engineers

Fran's advice for aspiring QA Automation Engineers reflects his experience and wisdom:

  • Be proactive and take the lead
  • Explore beyond just automation tools. Embrace a comprehensive understanding of testing, industry trends, and methodologies. Additionally, recognize the significance of learning generic knowledge in architecture and development.
  • Get to know the app and users, don't just test blindly. Understand what you're testing and how users interact with the app. 
  • Collaborate closely with developers. Understanding their perspective not only streamlines teamwork but also enhances the effectiveness of testing strategies.



Fran's World Beyond Work

Away from the algorithms and code, Fran's life is rich with adventures and heartwarming moments. He's an avid traveler, always eager to immerse himself in new cultures. “I'm passionate about travel. Whenever I catch a break, I'll be somewhere new, soaking in diverse cultures,” he shares. 

His passion for travel and cultural immersion is matched only by his love for Argentine Asado, where he's most at home among friends and the sizzle of the grill.



In this Employee Spotlight, we not only celebrate Fran's technical achievements but also his vibrant spirit and the unique qualities he brings to the ZenGRC family. 

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