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Meet Mari Casiva

Meet Mari Casiva, the Heartbeat of ZenGRC's Customer-Centric Ethos!

At ZenGRC, Mari Casiva stands out as a pivotal member of the Customer Support Team. Her commitment to enhancing customer experiences and her belief in the transformative power of support shape the core of her role. With a background in language education, Mari contributes exceptional communication skills, enriching every customer interaction with clarity and empathy.


Mari's unique blend of educational expertise and technical expertise empowers her to not only address customer needs but to deeply understand and anticipate them. Her approach transcends mere problem-solving; it's about forging meaningful connections and adding significant value to each customer's journey with ZenGRC.



Mari’s transition to ZenGRC is a story of courage and curiosity. Despite lacking a technical background, her willingness to embrace new challenges and her dedication to continuous learning have been key to her success. “I have always studied English and taught English as a second language and Spanish to English speakers... A former manager believed in me and introduced me to the Tech world. I was the only non-tech support specialist at that time. But I wanted to learn more. I found myself unable to speak the same language as engineers or peers, so I committed to learning more and being able to help more,” she reflects.



A Defining Moment

Mari's journey to ZenGRC was fueled by a desire to challenge herself and explore new horizons. The manager's belief in her potential opened the doors to the tech world, marking the beginning of an inspiring career path. "I wanted to learn and evolve in a new industry. I had great mentors in the tech space and was ready for the next step," Mari recounts.


Her passion deepened as she recognized her role's expansive potential. Moving beyond routine tasks, Mari plays a crucial role in shaping customer experiences. She creates processes, collaborates across departments, and improves overall customer satisfaction. This shift in perspective led Mari to a proactive and empathetic approach, significantly enhancing customer satisfaction and team dynamics.



In her role, Mari cherishes the opportunity to tackle complex challenges and guide her colleagues. She is passionate about mentoring others in troubleshooting and acquainting them with the nuances of ZenGRC's services. Her journey at the company is marked by the development of new strategies, the honing of her problem-solving abilities, and a significant growth in confidence.


Mari's involvement with various departments highlights the strong sense of collaboration at ZenGRC. She plays a key role in interfacing with product teams, contributing insights on how ZenGRC's offerings can be adapted and refined to better meet customer requirements. This involvement is crucial in enhancing the overall product experience and demonstrates her comprehensive understanding of customer needs.



Beyond Work

Working in Argentina has uniquely influenced Mari's approach at ZenGRC. She brings the vision and relational style of her culture to her role. “In my culture, we are friendly and hospitable. We love knowing the right people who can help you reach a goal. This is something I live by every day,” Mari describes. The sense of belonging, community, and family strongly resonates with her Argentine roots and is reflected in her work. Her cultural background enriches her interactions, bringing a warmth and personal touch that defines her approach to customer support.



Away from her desk, Mari pursues a variety of interests that contribute to her personal growth. She loves painting, reading, traveling, and, most importantly, spending time with her family. Organizing family activities and outings with friends are among her favorite ways to unwind and recharge. These activities not only provide her with a well-deserved break but also fuel her creativity and passion, which she brings back to her role at ZenGRC, enriching both her personal and professional life.

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