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Want to join a fun crowd to discuss practical ways of hacking vulnerabilities? I am connected with David Spark, podcast host of Defense in Depth and the CISO Vendor Podcast! He personally invited me any the wonderful people I know to attend this fun live stream every friday! This week’s topic is very top of mind for us!

Please join us on Friday March 11th, 2022 for Super Cyber Friday. Topic will be “Hacking Extreme Vulnerabilities: An hour of critical thinking about the confluence of concerns across threat actors’ intentions, industry targets, ransomware, and a company’s unique weaknesses.”

Joining David Spark (@dspark), producer of CISO Series for this discussion will be:

In preparation for our discussion, think about the following:

  • What are the ingredients necessary to understand what are your most severe vulnerabilities?

  • Where does everyone always look to understand their most extreme vulnerabilities, and where don’t they look that they should? Is that different than what’s easy to understand vs. what’s difficult to understand?

  • How different are your industry threats vs. the general threats?

  • What are you doing today to improve your understanding of your attack surface?

  • What is the difference between being a target for opportunity vs. being a target for attack?

  • How do you get your team to focus on the extreme vulnerabilities first? And is that the way you should think about it?

It all starts at 10 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern. At the end of the hour e11 AM Pacific/2 PM Eastern] we'll switch gears to our meetup where everyone will get a chance to chat face to face.

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