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I have a questionnaire template that will be used to send out to request a Risk Acceptance to an item on the Risk Register. I have a few questions/concerns on how this is implemented within ZenGRC.


  1. When requesting the questionnaire to be filled out an email gets sent to the user and no where in the email nor on the questionnaire does it state what risk the form is for.
  2. When the form gets mapped to the risk it grabs the name of the questionnaire template in this case (Risk Acceptance Request Form) this isn’t awful but would love a way to adjust that.
    1. There is a spot when sending the questionnaire to include a title/subject I can’t find where that is inserted into the process at all. Filling out that line doesn’t add it into the subject line of the email as the name would suggest, nor does it change the title of the form for the user when filling it out. What is this field for?!

Thanks for reaching out with your concerns,! I’ve connected with your CSM, @sam.cohen, who will be reaching out to set up time to meet at your convenience.




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