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Yesterday I was working in the new ROAR platform on an open Audit.  Today the Audit says it is completed and I cannot find a way to change its status back to open so I can continue working on it.  I also don’t know what caused the audit to change to a completed status.  The audit complete dat e is setup to 11/30/2022.    The system tells me “This audit was completed on 11/30/2022”.  Is it possible this is a system issue (wrong date/time on server).   I need assistance so I can unlock my audit. 


I was able to unlock all the records, but I still don’t know why my audit changed to completed.  If anyone has insight on this please let me know.

Hi Mike! Just wanted to confirm that this was forwarded to our Support team and is being investigated. Look out for updates directly via email!

I am also interested in the ability to re-open a “Completed” audit. I would like to better understand the rationale behind the ability to unlock/lock all records within a Completed audit. Thanks so much for your guidance! 


I'm not ready yet X