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Are you attending RSA Conference 2023? So are we! Members of the ZenGRC team will be there to showcase ZenGRC Pro and look forward to seeing you.


When and where?

RSA Conference 2023

Moscone Center in San Francisco

April 24 - 27

Visit the RSA Conference website here.


Visit us at our booth! We’ll be located at South Expo, Booth 1951

Click here for the South Expo exhibit hall map.


The Exhibit Hours are:

Monday, April 24th  —  4:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Tuesday, April 25th  —  10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Wednesday, April 26th  —  10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Thursday, April 27th  — 10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Haven’t booked your tickets? Get discounts with the following codes:

  • $150.00 discount on full Conference Pass, use code 52FCDRECIPR 

  • Free Expo Pass, use code 52ERECIPRXP
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