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Hello Community,

Does anyone know where I can find a video or training that has to do with the project area in ZenGRC? Does anyone have experience in using this area? I am exploring this section since our company is using ZenGRC for more and more functions. Any information on the project section would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Hi @aface72, while we don’t have trainings for the Projects business asset, I do have some context and guidance for you.

Projects are defined as: 
Projects - A service or product delivered to customers, closely related to Systems. It is a planned set of tasks to be executed over a fixed period. This object can be mapped to controls during the project lifecycle to ensure that required security controls are in place prior to go-live.

In other words, Projects are another vessel to link objects and create a filtered view of of items currently being worked on. Systems, Projects, Products, Markets, and everything else in the Business Assets field will function exactly the same.

Customers typically track the Project name, owner, description, then any major milestones such as a project plan and deliverables as attachments. Then, any controls, risks, systems, or data assets can be mapped to the project. Any additional data elements that you want to track outside of the fields provided out of the box can be setup as custom attributes.

Our Technical Product Managers has seen customers use this for non-audit related projects that they want to track as part of a risk or compliance initiative. For example, when tracking an upgrade to PoS systems as part of overall PCI compliance efforts, you could map various systems and controls to that project. Another example is company-wide Security Awareness Training - tracking people and related documentation.

Hope this helps. Please feel free to comment back on this post if you need additional help!

This helps. Thank yoU!


I'm not ready yet X